Visualization of multivariate, functions, sets, and data

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Documentation for package ‘denpro’ version 0.9.0

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denpro-package Visualization of multivariate, functions, sets, and data
branchmap Calculates a branching map from a sequence of level set trees
denpro Visualization of multivariate, functions, sets, and data
draw.levset Plots a level set of a 2D function
draw.pcf Prepares the plotting of a 2D or 1D piecewise constant function
excmas Calculates the excess masses associated with the nodes of a level set tree
exmap Calculates a scale of excess mass profiles
hgrid Returns a grid of smoothing parameter values
leafsfirst Calculates a level set tree, shape tree, or tail tree
locofmax Calculates the location of the maximum of a function
lstseq.kern Calculates a scale of kernel estimates
modecent Returns locations of modes of a density estimate
modegraph Calculates a mode graph from a scale of estimates
paracoor Makes a parallel coordinate plot
pcf.func Calculates a piecewise constant function for some illustrative purposes
pcf.kern Calculates a multivariate kernel estimate
plotbary Makes a barycenter plot of a level set tree, a location plot of a shape tree, or a tail tree plot of a tail tree
plotbranchmap Plots a branching map
plotexmap Plots a scale of excess mass profiles
plotmodet Plots a mode graph
plottree Makes a tree plot of a level set tree, of a shape tree, or of a tail tree
plotvolu Makes a volume plot of a level set tree, a shape plot of a shape tree, or a tail frequency plot of a tail tree
plotvolu2d Makes a perspective plot of a 2D volume function or a 2D probability content function
profgene Calculates the level set tree of a rectangularwise constant function
profhist Calculates the level set tree of a histogram
profkern Calculates a level set tree of a kernel estimate
prunemodes Prunes modes away from a level set tree or a shape tree
scaletable Implements the scale and shape table
shape2d Returns a 2D volume function or 2D probability content function Generates data for illustrative purposes
slicing Returns a one- or two-dimensional slice of a multivariate function
stseq Calculates a sequence of radius functions from a sequence of level sets
tree.segme Returns the segmentation of the nodes of a visualization tree
treedisc Prunes a level set tree or a tail tree